*Broad Branch Development is seeking permission from the Montgomery County Planning Board to redevelop a single-family home at 4702 West Virginia Avenue into eight smaller townhomes. The project includes 25,000 square feet of total floor area and below-ground parking with 16 spaces. This type of development would contribute to filling the gap of “missing middle housing”—affordable multifamily housing options within walking distance of public transit and amenities—that County planners have identified.
*Thirteen construction and development companies, including B.F. Saul, Clark Enterprises, and Donohoe Construction, have signed onto a letter calling on Montgomery County leaders to institute a “Bethesda traffic relief plan.” The missive outlines several options for officials to consider to ease traffic congestion and safeguard pedestrians.
*At Park Potomac, a three-building project with more than 650,000 square feet has been proposed for the site off I-270 near Montrose Road. One building would contain multi-family housing with ground floor retail; the other two would have residencies or commercial space with ground floor retail.
*Demolition of Bethesda’s former Second District police station at 7359 Wisconsin Avenue begins this month. In its place, a $300 million hotel-and-office building will be constructed, with an expected completion of spring 2021.